Sunday, March 9, 2008

Bobo's post

Hi! I'm Bobo! I'm the 1st son my mom had. My mom let me write some things on her blog. I'm so happy! We were watching "The Backyardagains"today. It's a Nickjr show(Nickjr is nick junior). I've got a video-camera that I can use to put pictures on the blog. I can also put videos on it to. If you're wandering what the names are, of the characters,their names are Pablo, Tyrone, Tasha, Uniqua, and Austin. They're a penguin, a moose, a hippo, a pig, and a kangaroo. Pablo's the penguin, Tyrone's the moose, Tasha's the hippo, Uniqua's the pig, and Austin's the kangaroo. My dad is working on his "Batcave" with his dad. I'm in third grade. I'm nine. Here's a math problem:22x3=___. If you thought 66, you're right! Now we're watching the "The Wonderful Wizard of Ha's". It's a VeggieTales video. That's it for me. I'll tell you more next time. Bye-bye! Here's my mom...........

Bobo's been asking to start his own blog for a few weeks now. We're still not sure if we want him to have his own yet, so I decided to let him write on mine. He really wants to post pictures, but I told him "not yet". Maybe we'll have a weekly post from Bobo. We'll try to come up with a better title than that.=)

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