I know. It's not officially time for the contest to be over.
But seeing as how I've already made up my mind I'm calling the contest.
Plus, I'm one of those people who has to buy presents last minutes for the simple fact that I can never wait to give them to the person. Case and point: this year for Father's Day the kids and I bought RC an
ipod nano. I didn't buy it till Friday thinking "I can surely make it from Friday to Sunday."
We gave it to him Friday evening when he got home from work.
So you see, I just can't help myself.
Back to the contest. There were three entries. Though, technically, I'm not sure if Tobias' counts. You know, Toby, you didn't really come up with anything new.;-)
However, please check out the entries in the comments of the previous post. They were all great and from exactly who I expected them from. Seriously, my husband could have gone on for days with ideas. God has just gifted him like that. And AM, I don't know how you do it! I am continually amazed by your creativity.
And I'm serious about that book thing. Get on that, girl!
OK. Drum roll, please...
The winner is...
Congrats, Toby!
My new title is
Babione 6 and the tag line is
a family of sidekicks for the One True Superhero.
Now, let me explain. First, the practical reason. My blog address is babione6.blogspot.com and my email is
babione6@cableone.net. A
different blogger than the one I mentioned in the previous post has also recently given some blogging advice and she mentioned that it is smart to keep everything similar. This way it is easy for people to keep things straight. I have actually been thinking about this for a little while now and so after reading her advice I felt convinced.
I know it's not that catchy or creative, but the other option is to keep everything different or to start a completely different blog. I really don't want to do either. Plus, my purpose for this blog is to connect with family and friends, make some new friends along the way, and most importantly to be as transparent as possible so people can see Jesus. He is, after all, the most important thing. I'm not
necessarily trying to speak to a large audience so I don't really feel I need something greatly catchy or creative.
Secondly, I agree with Toby. I came up with the sidekick tag line myself (thank-you-very-much) when I took the picture of the kids in their costumes. And I, too, think it's cool. But more than that I believe that God is the star of the show. I'm not the star in my own story. This is HIS STORY and He has graciously given me a part in it. My part is to fight the good fight with the help of the Holy Spirit. And to teach my children how to fight it.
As my husband said
Day in and day out I have to war for my faith. The enemy so does not want me doing anything remotely serious or real with God, so he attacks every day. If I'm not ready every day, then how can I expect to live victoriously? I can't.I agree. So I fight the good fight.
1 Timothy 1:18
Timothy, my son, I give you this instruction in keeping with the prophecies once made about you, so that by following them you may
fight the good fight...
1 Timothy 6:11-12
But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, and gentleness.
Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.
Well, there you have it, folks. I have been praying during this contest and asking God if I should even continue my blog. He has answered by giving me a renewed focus and purpose for it. Thanks for participating and I'm sorry to anyone who wanted to enter but didn't get the chance.
I plan on having the new look by tomorrow.