Monday, April 12, 2010


A fun movie to watch is A Knight's Tale. We own it and the other night while watching I had to stop it and write down a certain dialogue in it. To set it up: William (a peasant) is posing as a knight and traveling around to jousting competitions. Jocelyn is a rich man's daughter that also travels around to these competitions (no idea why). William and Jocelyn have seen each other and flirted and danced and whathaveyou. Upon entering a new town and therefore a new competition this is their exchange inside a church building:

William: Jocelyn, how may I prove my love to you?


Jocelyn: Do you ask in earnest?

William: Yes.

Jocelyn: If you would prove your love you should do your worst.

William: My worst?

What do you mean?

Jocelyn: Instead of winning to honor me with YOUR high reputation, I want you to act AGAINST your normal character and do badly.


William: Losing proves nothing except that I'm a loser.

Jocelyn: WRONG. Losing is a much keener test of your love.

Losing would contradict your self-love and losing would show your obedience to your lover and not yourself.

William: (thinking, reeling, not happy)

Jocelyn: What is your answer?

William: (deciding)

I. will. not. lose.

Jocelyn: Then you do not love me.

He who has found his life shall lose it, and he who has lost his life for My sake shall find it. -Jesus Christ (Matt. 10:39)

For whoever wishes to save his life shall lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake shall find it. -Jesus Christ (Matt 16:25)

Jesus wasn't just speaking of dying. He was speaking of laying down our own personal dreams, goals, desires, and seeking after God's dreams, goals, desires. God's eternal purpose.

If you would like to know more about God's eternal purpose than I highly recommend the book From Eternity to Here.

And just in case you think you have God's eternal purpose figured out (I know I once did) let me say that, no, it's not JUST saving lost souls or fellowshipping with us or having us worship Him.

It's MUCH grander than that!

And it's for Himself.

Praise God!



Tobias Valdez said...

Well said. It puts it in a whole new perspective...the movie...the request...the actuality of it all. Thanks for tying these things together Bridget. May we all be successful at losing!

"Quotesy" said...

To add to it...

This is my commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.
-Jesus Christ (John 15:12-13)

WOW! Thanks for sharing this Bridge!

May we all be the 'biggest loser'

keep running said...

if this was facebook (which I realize it is not- it is blogspot- ha!) I would "like" this, good tie in.. love you Bridge!

R.C. said...

I think it's funny how the Spirit works through fallen, earthen vessels, even those who may be unaware, especially in Hollywood, to reveal Christ. That is a pret-ty cool God we have there.