Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Big Changes

Last August RC and I went to a conference in Houston, TX. It was a small conference. About 150-200 people. But it was the most amazing thing we had experienced up to that point in our lives. The SOLE focus of the conference was JESUS CHRIST.

HE was the revelation we received that weekend.

And though things had been stirring in us leading up to this point, at this conference our hearts were captured in a way they had never been. And they were captured by a PERSON. Not a vision. Not a mindset. Not a model for things. But by a glorious, beautiful, amazing, marvelous, brilliant PERSON.


Suffice it to say, this past year has been pretty crazy. I know I haven't really shared any of it on this blog but that's because I don't yet feel able to. The words just won't come out of my head. It's possible we need to progress farther in this journey before we will fully understand everything. (If that's even possible.) But here is what I can tell you:

At the end of this month we are moving in with my parents in Chicken Town. Chicken Town is only 30 minutes away from The City where we found, just this past weekend, a group of people who have also been enraptured by our glorious JESUS CHRIST and desire, like us, to gather together under His headship. We hope to be able to move to The City within the next 3-6 months.

People think it's odd that we would move (particularly odd that we would be willing to move in with family) for 'church'. That's not one of the things that people move for unless it's some kind of cult or they're crazy or something. No, people move for much grander things than the Body of Christ, the Bride of Christ, the Family of God, the House of God - like jobs - or earthly families - or beaches - or mountains.

It's not wrong to move for those things. Part of our decision to move to the The City instead of some other city where there are people gathering under the headship of Christ has to do with RC's career. But if RC's career was the main motivation, the deciding factor, then we would just stay right here in A-town. But it's not.

The Eternal Purpose of God encompassed in Jesus Christ in the earth today is our motivation.

And we are so unbelievably excited to begin this part of the journey.



keep running said...

Yay!! I live in Edmond :) So I love you've found a Body of Believers to connect with, to grow with, and I still can see your precious face (as well as your families faces) often :) Love you Bridge!

Six in the Mix said...

Way to go, guys!