Thursday, December 30, 2010

Twenty Ten

Two thousand ten has been a year of many changes for us. I was preparing to tell you all about them but when I finally put my fingers to the keys the words just would not come.

That has been the story of my blog life lately. Our lives are so full right now, but for some reason, known only to Christ, I cannot form the sentences to tell you about it.

We are daily falling head over heels in love with our Precious Lord. He is beyond anything we could imagine and is so very other than we expect.

He is stealing our hearts and consuming our minds.

He is gentle.
He is compassionate.
He is funny.
He is patient.
He is faithful.

He doesn't give us joy. He gives us Himself. And in giving us Himself, He gives us joy, because He is joy.
He is peace.
He is truth.
He is rest.
He is knowledge.
He is confidence.
He is love.

These are not things that can be had apart from Christ. They can only be had in Him. And as children of the Most High God we are in Him.

This truth is becoming our reality in a deep and profound way. It is changing our lives like never before.

I look forward to sharing more with you in the future. I hope that 2010 brought you more of Christ and that 2011 does the same. Our Lord is a vast ocean whose depths we can never entirely plumb. Let us not mistakenly think that we have need to 'move on' from Christ. He is the ALL. IN. ALL. Nothing is apart from Him for those of us who believe.

Christ Jesus, our LORD.


1 comment:

Nathan said...

Amen sister he is our all in all!! Well Put.