Sunday, November 18, 2007


Well, to be honest I had some concerns. I really thought I would have to fight the urge to blog everyday. Now, I've discovered I'm actually having a hard time coming up with something to talk about. So...I just did some research (other blogs) and have decided to just share family happenings and what God is doing here.
For those of you not aware, I am homeschooling this year. Bobo is in third grade and Bear is in first. The transition has been hardest for me. The boys love being home and often tell me how much they like having me for their teacher. I have discovered that to be successful at homeschooling you must first HAVE a schedule and then you must STICK TO IT. Being the creative music type, this is hard for me. Though, the joy I have at the end of a successfully scheduled and executed homeschooling day has given me motivation to press on. Scheduling is the way to go. Also, after a while the kids catch on to the schedule and I don't have to keep telling everyone what to do. They know what to do and usually :) do it.

I've had to buy Popeye and Princess their own "workbooks". Every morning they ask if they can do their schoolwork. It's precious. I'll take a picture and post it sometime.

I said I was going to tell you what God is doing here, but frankly I'm having trouble putting words to it. He is being so gentle and patient with us. He is telling us to stop striving... and experience His greatness, His provision, His ability. He has told us to "chill out". and Yes, God does say "chill out". :-)We talk about how good our God is and we say things like "I know God will take care of it.", but do our actions reflect that? Do we go through discomfort or pain focused on Jesus or do we start striving in our own strength to fix it? I have a friend I told you about in the last post that is learning a similar lesson. The difference is that our circumstances are made by our own choosing. Her circumstances are completely out of her control. We are convinced (through much prayer and seeking God in the Word and our spiritual leadership) that this is what He wants of us. Many would disagree. However, we are going to seek God's favor, not man's. And we are going to see God work for us in mighty ways.

I have to throw this in here. If you don't feel like you hear God like you want to or like others talk about, then listen up. God speaks first in HIS WORD. You MUST read the Bible often. If you want to know what God's voice sounds like, you first learn it in HIS WORD. I know I keep capitalizing that but it is true. These are not my own thoughts, these are also the thoughts of men and women who have gone much farther than me with God. Eventually you will begin to "hear" his voice in your spirit. But it starts by listening to His voice in His Word. Start at the beginning of the New Testament and read a chapter a day. Read it in the morning and think about through out the day. Pray that God will give you understanding and talk to Him about what you read. It will change your life.

I used to struggle with "sharing Jesus". I had a hard time "witnessing". Now I am completely convinced that Jesus is so amazing I am failing for words right now. He is completely fulfilling. He meets my EVERY need and He does is because He loves me. Period. Now, I can't help but talk about Him because basically He is the absolutely coolest thing happening in my life. Don't get me wrong, things are hard and uncomfortable right now, but I am getting more and more of Jesus and it is ruining me for anything else. I pray the same for you all. He is SO worth it!

Obviously, I had more to say than I thought. My prayer is that this has blessed you and it motivates you to run to Jesus and find your every need fulfilled at His feet. I love you all.

Psalm 3:3 But you, O Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, and the one who lifts my head high.

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