Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Well...Gigi remained an indoor dog for aproximately 17 hours. Yep, I have given up. The dog has no interest in being inside and I just figure why fight it? :-) She whined all night. I expected that because she had to sleep in her cage. What threw me was once the kids got up I thought all would be well. Nope. She kept right on whining. Finally, I caved and put her outside. I know you're thinking, "Well, you need to let her outside sometimes and she probably needed to pee." The problem with that is she won't get within ten feet of me now and she had already peed all over the kids bedroom floor. After having her outside for a little while I just realized that I really don't want/need the extra hassle of an indoor dog especially when she prefers to be outside. So, Gigi, enjoy the great outdoors and I'll enjoy my dog odor free house!

1 comment:

a montgomery resident said...

Poor, poor dog. How could you bring her inside like that? It's not like you always want to be stuck in the house with 4 noisy children and can you imagine having someone following you around all the time making sure you "did your business" in the friendliest of places??