Monday, December 10, 2007


I'm currently sitting at my computer drinking a caramel apple spice cappuchino from starbucks. It is one of their holiday favorites. I think it tastes like malted apple cider. It's OK, but not one of my holiday favorites.
My sons are very much into Pokemon on the Gameboy. Frankly, It bugs me and we have rules like no talking about Pokemon during dinner to keep my sanity. While Princess has no idea what is going on she likes to do whatever she sees her brothers doing. She found a new place to play the gameboy tonight. Yes, the clothes are clean.
I've been trying to stop preaching at everyone since Thanksgiving, but Jesus is teaching me something that I know isn't something that is just important for me. I am in a season right now where the small everyday things are a very big deal. Not because I'm living through serious life circumstances, but because God is saying to me, "If I can't trust you with the little things then I won't ever be able to trust you with the big things." I desperately want God to be able to trust me with the big things. I want to live a life that is overwhelmed by the power of God. By the glory of God. I want to stand in front of Jesus and hear Him say, "Well done, My good and faithful servant." The Spirit is teaching me to go to Him for EVERY decision I need to make. It is surprisingly hard and I have realized how much I want to control everything. It becomes very clear when you want to go get a coke from the Tunnel and in trying to do everything God's way you ask Him what He wants and He says no. Do I really trust that God knows and wants what is best for me and is going to give me something even more fulfilling than that coke? Or when I want to decorate someone's bedroom for their Christmas present and again trying to do things God's way I ask Him His plans. He says no. Do I trust that God is going to give my family member something better than I could? I use these examples of God saying "no" because when He says yes I don't bat an eye. I am getting what I want so I don't even think about it. I am reading a book called The Reason for My Hope by Charles Stanley and in it he says, "Your destiny will unfold before you as you OBEY the daily prompting and leading and guiding of the Holy Spirit." I truly believe that to live a powerful and victorious Christ following life we MUST be obedient in the small day to day mundane things and somehow, someday God will call us to obedience in the big things. I am NOT going to miss my call!!! My prayer is that you don't either.

Philippians 2:13 For God is working in you, giving you the desire to obey Him and the power to do what pleases Him.

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