Friday, September 11, 2009

Field Work

Our Science focus this unit is geology. So we took to the reservoir to hunt down some rocks and soil.
It really is amazing how much more kids retain when they actually experience something versus just reading about it.

We collected more than enough but they were enjoying themselves so much that I couldn't make them stop.

Each rock or spoonful of dirt was "so cool."
The conversation of the afternoon was, "This rock is so cool!" "Ooooh, this one is really cool!" "Hey, look at this cool one!"
We obviously need to study adjectives and learn to use a thesaurus.

Back home, we laid out our treasures on the picnic table and did some discovering.
Bobo grouped his rocks into igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary groups.

My favorite part of this picture is the dog. Gigi doesn't have a care in the world. And I love that she chooses to sleep while her kids are digging up the yard.

Popeye and Bear collected soil from different areas. Then we studied the soil samples and discussed their differences.

They loved playing in the dirt.

I would call our mission successful.


fivemjs said...

You are a good mommy!!! I thought about you the other day when Micah came home with a note in his bag asking our permission to let him watch the presidential address (which we did NOT give). I was like. Hmm...2nd grade? If he is going to watch any "word" from the president (if beying the keyword), it will be at our house....not at school. I guess you had no such notes to deal with. If so, you and RC need to work on communication!!! =)

Jenni McCadams said...

You're such a fun teacher!