Monday, November 10, 2008

Not Me Monday

It's late, but it's still officially Monday. To better understand what's going on visit

1. I did not sit in front of my computer for three hours this morning looking at

2. I did not 'borrow' my in-laws dining table for an outdoor dinner with friends while they were out of town.

3. I also did not 'borrow' my in-laws fall decorations, candlesticks, and sconces for the outdoor dinner.

4. And I most certainly did not find four mice in my house yesterday. YUCK. I think we're gonna have to take Nana up on her cat.



Mom on a Coulee said...

Just had to comment because my not me monday is posted right after yours and we both are named Bridget. I like your not me's I wish I lived closer to family to borrow their things when they aren't home.
I hate cats but we now have two kittens for the mouse issue at our new house and my kids adore them and I must admit I don't mind them too much they are cute.

Unknown said...

Oooohhhhhh, I love Pioneer Woman too.

Tobias Valdez said...

Hey Bridget, just thought I would let you know you linked, but its really .net. Thought you might want to make the correction.