Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sunday Delights

R.C.'s Sunday Delights:

1. Thanksgiving dinners (at least 2 of them)
2. a day off with the wife from kids (thanks Grandma and Granddad)
3. cooler weather
4. a day off from work during the week
5. preaching


Babione 6 said...

1. the color blue
2. being with family for the holidays
3. friends that help you find a better phone deal
4. buying my kids Christmas presents
5. a day with my husband all to myself.

Tobias Valdez said...

1. Good conversations with friends
2. Good chicken quesadillas
3. Brownies
4. Second helpings on sid quesadillas
5. Sunday naps!

Tobias Valdez said...

okay, so my "a" button didn't punch in that should read

4. Second helpings on said quesadillas

There, now I feel better.