Monday, January 12, 2009

Bad, Bad Bridget

Well, frankly, I've blown it.

I've been an awful blogger lately.

With the challenge of getting back into a routine and certain changing circumstances I just haven't felt like blogging. Oh, I have stories to tell, but I'm just not in the mood to tell them.

Then, our pastor preached yesterday on how unreliable our feelings are (so knew this) and how they should never be a determining factor in our choices (a confirming factor sometimes and a factor to ignore sometimes) but never the motivating force. So, I totally felt convicted and determined to get on here despite how I felt and share something with you all.

And I had big plans to. A video and everything.

But I can't remember how to download videos from my new camera and my husband is at band practice and I DON'T FEEL LIKE HUNTING DOWN THE INSTRUCTION MANUEL AND READING IT.

Baby steps.

Then I realized that in all my not blogging I totally forgot to share with you all two VERY important days in our family.


Saturday was hub's 33rd birthday and today is Bear's 8th birthday.


We went bowling on Saturday. Just a family party. It was lots of fun with Star Wars cupcakes and lots of birthday money. And all the pics are on my MIL's camera so you'll just have to hold your britches till she sends them to me.

So feel free to leave them belated birthday wishes in the comments and I will take all the blame for their lateness.



Katie said...

Happy Belated Birthday!

Can't wait to see the pictures and video...please tell me you had someone recording you Sunday morning, I would love an encore!

Ro said...

Happy Birthday to RC and Joshua!
Yes, an encore would be great!