Thursday, January 29, 2009


This is the documentation of something few people ever thought they would see. NO, it's not me cooking something without burning it. I've done that many times!
This is actual photo evidence of my husband eating ONIONS, TOMATOES, ZUCCHINI, BELL PEPPERS and GARLIC! Here's the Pizza Casserole. The kids were so excited about this new recipe mainly because of the name. But they were really good sports when they saw it on their plates and all of them ate most of it.
It truly was a wonderful casserole. My kind of food for sure. Just look at all those colors. And it really did taste similar to pizza. It also has chicken sausage, Italian spices, and lots of mozzarella and Parmesan cheese in it and bread sticks on top of it. YUMMY!

Hubs being silly. The kids loved it. Then they all wanted their picture taken too. However, after downloading the pictures I see I somehow forgot Bear's but it's already almost nine and I'm a tired girl. So just picture him with a mouth full of food and a smile. I straightened Princess' hair for Walking With Dinosaurs and then didn't wash it for another day, hence straight hair in this pic. Popeye is doing much better eating. He pretty much takes ten good bites at every meal and we're good with that.
Bobo ate two zucchini and then declared that he 'loved' them. However, he left the rest of them on his plate. =) Oh, and you can kinda see Bear in this picture.
Hubs eating his last bite. He actually liked the veggies more than the sausage! Who would have thought? For those who don't know us well, this is the first time in almost eleven years of marriage I have ever seen my husband eat tomatoes that weren't in sauce, salsa, or paste form. I really am amazed!


Tobias Valdez said...

Yummy!!!! I want some!!!

Jenni McCadams said...

Hey--it looks delicious. You should post the recipe. The part about R.C. also explains his comment that his palate always gets "stretched" (is that how he put it?) when he comes to our house for dinner. :) Tell him I'm whipping up a big batch of vegetable goulash for him.

Ro said...

Your dish looked delish!