Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sunday Delights

R.C.'s Sunday Delights for 01/11/09

1. my 33rd birthday yesterday
2. Bear's 8th birthday tomorrow
3. sleeping in on a Saturday
4. fresh, honest, real friends
5. working on music with my family

Sunday Delights, my attempt to purposefully "count my blessings" at least once a week, is seeing its final regular publishing in its current form. Thanks to all who have read and shared your blessings, and please feel free to do so one more time. I shall continue to think on what God is doing in my life, and be grateful for his presence and goodness, and I pray that you will, too.



Give me my sanity back! said...

We enjoy your blogs as well, and you will see that I now follow all three of the Babione sites!! We move this spring and are VERY excited to be back in the states!

fivemjs said...

Tell RC happy birthday from his birthday buddy! Tell him it is so weird but I got him the exact same thing he got me!!!

R.C. said...

You got me $100, too??!!