Friday, December 18, 2009

Life, Not Light

So, I took this picture last week when the kids were outside playing. That's Bobo on the right and Studly on the left. It was in the 50s and we (the adults) found it funny that Bobo had on long pants, a long sleeved shirt, a jacket, and earmuffs while Studly had on shorts and a t-shirt. For kicks I ran outside and snapped this pic: Then yesterday I read a post on Milt's blog and I thought of this picture. You see, Bobo and Studly are standing in the exact same temperature. It's not 40* for Bobo and 60* for Studly. It's 50* for both, yet their differing opinions are revealed in their choice of clothing. But this doesn't stop them from playing together and accepting one another.

Oh, for the Body of Christ to stop gathering together with and accepting only those that share their same opinions (like if Studly would only play with kids who also wore shorts and t-shirts in 50* weather) and to start accepting and gathering together with those who have the life of Christ no matter our differing opinions for that is the only biblical grounds we are given for accepting our brothers and sisters in the family of God.

Milt puts this so much more eloquently and fills in all my gaps. Please take the time to read his post. Once you do you will totally get the title of this post. =) And I'm sure it will stir your spirit like it stirred mine.


1 comment:

"Quotesy" said...

I like the new kid pic!!! Good analogy for the kids and church too!