Monday, December 14, 2009

A Mystery Break

Hi it's me, Bobo. This week we are not having a mystery because I can't think of one! Instead, I'm going to post a story.
I have a list of library books that I have to read for school and I picked two books that were The Secret Garden and Hans Brinker; or the Silver Skates ( by Mary Mapes Dodge). I've finished The Secret Garden some time ago, so I had to read the other book.
I wasn't reading Hans Brinker like I was supposed to, instead, I was reading a library book that is not for school, and it's named The Tapestry. So mom told me I couldn't read The Tapestry until I finished Hans Brinker.
Just a couple days ago I was visiting my mom's parents up in Chickasha and I had 64 pages left to read in Hans Brinker and mom told me to read 20 pages on Saturday and 44 Pages on Sunday. So yesterday I finished Hans Brinker; or the Silver Skates!

1 comment:

"Quotesy" said...

Yeah! Good for you Bobo