Saturday, March 22, 2008


Today is RC and my 10th anniversary!

While we haven't done anything extraordinary or bought anything extraordinary God has given me a very special joy over what this day symbolizes. You see, our union didn't start out the way God prefers for unions to start out. I was three months pregnant when we got married. However, we have a God that promises to work ALL things TOGETHER for GOOD for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. Why God chooses to be so gracious I'll never fully understand, but it is another way our very big God shows us His love.

The thing that is on my mind most today, though, is how perfect our God is at bringing something wonderful out of something painful, or ugly, or hard, or even sinful. Our story didn't start well, but RC and I are more in love than we have ever been. Our story didn't start well, but we are on the threshold of the ministry God ordained for us. Our story didn't start well, but we now have a marriage that is a blessing not only to God, and to us, but also to our children.

The story of Easter didn't start well either, but in true God fashion it sure did end well! May this weekend be a celebration of our Lord's Resurrection. And may you also remember the relationships, the brokenness, the things in your own life that God has resurrected. He is the God of Life and He promises to give it abundantly!

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