Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Doctor's In

I have a cough.

It prefers to come in groups of fifty or more.

OK, so that's exaggerating a little. I cough consistently throughout the day and occasionally have what I refer to as coughing fits. So far, my inhaler is the only thing that works to stop the fits.

I haven't slept through the night in over a week. I am VERY tired and just a little cranky.


I have managed to repaint two walls in my house.

Priorities, people.

Then today I went to the doctor. She gave me some nose spray because she believes the coughing is due to post nasal drip. And when she asked if there was anything else I wanted, I replied, "sleep". To which she graciously wrote a prescription for some heavy duty cough syrup to be taken at night.

I returned home, put on a movie for the kids, and fell asleep on the couch. My husband came home at noon, fixed the kids lunch, and started the dish washer. I moved to the bed and don't remember anything else till 1:30 when I was awakened by yet another coughing fit.

Talking makes it worse so I'm thinking of taking a vow of silence for the next few days.

And making all the kiddos participate as well. ;-)

Like I could make that happen. My kids will talk to a brick wall if they think it's listening.


here's to a good night's sleep.



Laughing Momma said...

I think my husband would love for me and the kids to vow silence for an indefinite period of time....he could go days wwithout talking.

Hope you feel better, I was just about to send you an email to find out how things were I know.

Tobias Valdez said...

I was just thinking to myself..."Its about time for another blog update from Bridget." Really hope you feel better. Perhaps one of the kids should lay hands on you for healing. Gotta love kids prayers and the way they trust God!!

fivemjs said...

So if I can reply in short grunts. One for yes, two for no.