Monday, July 14, 2008

Home Sweet Home

We got home on Saturday, but it has taken me a few days to recover enough to blog in complete sentences.

Hence, you just now hearing from me.

I did a horrible job of taking pictures, meaning I didn't take any. So... you will have to rely on my amazing ability to describe everything in great detail so it is like you are looking at a picture.


I'm still in recovery mode and really don't have much to say, yet, except that God used this week to really spark some things in Bobo and Bear.

Another really cool thing God did was He spoke something to me while in Branson and also spoke the same thing to RC while in Altus. It is so exciting when God speaks but when He confirms what He says by saying it to others it really just blows my mind. It wasn't anything big (we're not moving or changing jobs or anything like that), it was guidance and direction for our family.

Anywho...the trip was wonderful, we had so much fun, the kids are still talking about it, and I'm still exhausted.



fivemjs said...

No pictures!!??? I guess you were just having too much fun to take pictures right???!! =)

a montgomery resident said...

I love it when God speaks and it is confirmed! How wonderful for you....