Thursday, December 4, 2008

Cirque Du Soleil

One of the many advantages to homeschooling is the ability to take advantage of opportunities that happen to be in the middle of the week.


Free tickets to the Cirque Du Soleil production of Saltimbanco for a Wednesday night in The City two hours away.

It was so cool!!!

Hubs got eight tickets from work and since he gets up at 4:15 am every morning and has to be to work before 6:00 am he decided it wouldn't be a good idea for him to go. So, I asked my mom, dad, and littlest sister if they had any plans for Wednesday night and they said "We will SO BE THERE!"

Wednesday afternoon, the kids and I left for Chicken Town (my hometown which is only thirty minutes from The City and not really named Chicken Town (wink - Marianne)) to pick up my mother, then drove to The City where we met my sister at a cheer gym (my sister's and I have all cheered for the owner at some point over the last 15 yrs.) so we would only have to pay to park two cars instead of three and then headed downtown to meet up with dad who was already in The City for business.

WOW - that was a crazy long sentence.

We ate at Chilenos - yummy - and then walked to the Ford Center for the show.


Like blow your mind amazing and now hubs is sad he didn't go. So, you should totally do what he did and go visit youtube to get an idea of the wonderment that was Wednesday night for us and then start asking God for free tickets cause them bad boys are espensive. And - yes - I know I didn't spell expensive right. It's because I wanted you to hear it how I was saying it.




Anonymous said...

It is a fantastic show. My hubby and I were able to see Mystere while we were in Vegas. Yes, the tickets are espensive!!!

Laughing Momma said...

SO LUCKY!!!!!!

I saw one of the very first shows to come to the US when I was in was Amazing.

fivemjs said...

Who's jealous? ME!