Sunday, December 28, 2008

Sunday Delights

Well, I missed last week's edition; sorry about that. Here we go for 12/28/08:

1. Christmas (favorite holiday)
2. exposing my boys to the entire Star Wars saga (they got the originals for Christmas, and loved them!)
3. Radio City Christmas Spectacular featuring The Rockettes (amazing show - especially the Christmas story)
4. after Christmas sales (2 pairs of pants, baby!)
5. a wonderful weekend away with friends and no kids (thanks guys who went, and thanks grandparents for watching the kids!)

Now, come up with 5 things/events that are blessings/delights in your life. I encourage to write them in the comment section, but as long as you at least think about them, I guess that will be ok, too.

1 comment:

jerriann said...

Hi, I saw your scripture on the LPM and saw that you are in Altus, I live on a ranch outside of Memphis and just wanted to make contact with someone close by.

I am excited about the "Jesus" year we age going to have. Come by and visit me if you want. I would love to follow your blog.

Hope to hear from soon.