Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Body

I mentioned in my previous post the battle I have fought since the beginning of last week. I was unsure about some things. I had received some information and didn't know quite how to process it. Because of this, Satan was able to come in and confuse me. Yes, I tried reading the Word and praying for clarity. The funny thing was that I was feeling condemnation over something I hadn't done, but wasn't really sure I was supposed to do in the first place.

Well, because of the special services on Monday and Tuesday last week we didn't have Life Group. So this Wednesday was our first Life Group since all that. Praise God for Life Group! In choosing to share my struggles God gave me much insight through the responses I got. What a HUGE blessing to have others who have gone farther in their walk with Christ that are willing to share their experiences and wisdom.

I know I talk alot about the importance of being an active part of the Body and particularly a small group, but this past week has been a perfect example of why it is so important. Without that help from them I could have sat in confusion or condemnation far to long. And Satan would have had a field day with me. But, thanks be to God, for pressing us to be a part of a church that takes doing this thing together very seriously. Otherwise, who knows where we would end up.

Yes, once again, I am encouraging you to step out and become a part of a church and a small group that takes following The Way seriously. (but has fun while doing it) We CAN NOT do this alone. That is why God gave us Himself and also told us to be the body. Working together for others and for each other to glorify the One Most Worthy.

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