Sunday, April 20, 2008

Something about Sundays

This weekend was nice. Our youth at church had special activities and since RC is in charge of running the sound he was up there with them all weekend. There is a traveling group from Christ for the Nations Institute that puts on special weekends for youth groups. They call it Youth for the Nations. Also, a christian rap recording artist named Curvine came with them. My four kids and I went to Curvine's concert Saturday night and had a blast! Bobo has been rhyming everything ever since. They also lead everything this morning at worship. It was geat!

Also, this morning some friends of ours from a neighboring town suprised us by showing up at church! What a blessing. We went out for lunch after and had a great visit.

This is what I find exciting: The Word spoken over the Women's Retreat, the man with the gift of healing that was at our church a couple weeks ago, and the speaker for Youth for the Nations all talked about becoming Warrior's and about the battle we are called to. None of these people are connected or socialize. THE SPIRIT is telling us something! He is making sure we get it! When the Holy Spirit is saying the SAME thing through different and unconnected people we need to perk up our ears and pay attention. The people and the ministries are different, but it is the same Holy Spirit and when He is telling most everyone the same thing it is because it is IMPORTANT!

Anywho...I have been much better the last five days. I feel stronger and more capable to handle those type of situations now having gone through the struggle and come out better for it! God is so good and my heart's delight!


a montgomery resident said...

How wonderful! I've had recent experience of the same thing...the Holy Spirit saying the same thing through un-connected sources. It's amazing! Who knows...maybe I'll even write about it. :)

Anonymous said...

The pastor at Life Church recently did a series called The Warrior as well...very very interesting...