Sunday, April 27, 2008

Very good day

Today was a very good day. One of those days where at the end of it you are very tired, but very happy.

Today was our church's Spring Picnic. It is held at a baptist campgrounds nearby and we eat, visit, fellowship, hike, mountain climb (only if you want to), play games, and do baptisms. That in and of itself makes for a good day, but today Bear was baptized. That makes it a very good day. For those of you out there with children who you've seen baptized you can relate. There really isn't words to describe the feelings in your heart when you watch your child make that statement of faith.

Bobo was baptized two years ago. RC was baptized literally right before him. Today, our pastor invited the parent's to help baptize their child so RC joined Bear in the water and dunked him with the pastor. My eyes are tearing up thinking about it. God is so good.

I will post pictures tomorrow. I'm going to bed, now. Tired, but happy.


Anonymous said...

Sorry we missed the baptisms! What a blessing; I praise God for it! Love, RB

Laughing Momma said...

Praise Him!!
I've got tears in my eyes even now!! What an amazing time for your family.


Tobias Valdez said...

It is a very cool thing to be able to baptize your own son. I was blessed and honored to be the one God used to lead Drayton to Jesus and baptize him when he was four years old. What a blessing. I'm sure R.C. will never forget that honor.
