Friday, September 19, 2008

He Beat Me to It

So, in this little world we call the blogosphere lists reign.

They are everywhere.

And they are wonderful in my personal opinion.

But perhaps I am just a little love struck right now.

You see, my husband just made a list for me.

I thought I would surely beat him to it seeing as how his birthday falls before mine, but he was sneaky.

That rascal.

Anyway, I just fell in love with my husband again tonight for the millionth time.

A word of warning, his post isn't really PG. It's more married and grown folk type. (nothing naughty or gross, just honest)

Check it out here and see why I'm truly one of the most blessed people on earth.

I love you back, babe! More than you'll ever know.



R.C. said...

I think you mean why I'm one of the most blessed people on earth.

fivemjs said...

#13 was interesting. =)

Anonymous said...

I loved the list!! It made me smile and laugh. Keep it up. What a wonderful thing to see a married couple in love as much as we are.