Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Myriad Gardens (The Beginning)

Last Tuesday Hubs had some work in The City so the kids and I went with him. While he was working, we took a field trip to The Myriad Gardens. We have been studying the plant kingdom this unit so it was the perfect place to go.

At the entrance we sat down and had a little snack. Didn't want hungry, cranky kids while we were trying to study all the plants, trees, and flowers.

Then Bobo read one of our library books to us to freshen our memories about what we had learned and what we were going to look for. And Popeye and Princess were much more concerned with their snacks.

Then we headed down the bunny trail toward the north side of The Crystal Bridge. (and , yes, my fingers just naturally typed The Crystal Bridget and I had to correct it)
When we got to the north side we discovered that you actually enter at the south side, so instead of turning around and heading back the way we came we continued on making a circle around everything.
We're so glad we did.

Because we got to meet these darling little ducks.
They had a concrete slab that jutted out into the pond. I asked the kids to go stand on it so I could take a picture.
They started out all sweet and innocent. Except that Princess obviously had a devious plan a- brewin'. Just look at those eyes.

And then they broke into this. Seriously, out of the blue they all started posing crazy. It's like they're related or something.

As we were taking pics the little ducks kept heading our way. They were not at all afraid of people so I figured they got fed by strangers a lot.
Thank goodness we had some Nilla Wafers left.
I quickly passed them out and the kids went to town breaking off pieces and throwing them to the ducks. Actually, they dropped them to the ducks because the ducks came right up to their feet.
Bobo made some new 'forever' friends. Or at least some 'right now' friends.
The ducks were so beautiful. Their green-blue heads were striking.

Continuing our way around we stopped to take a pic of The Crystal Bridge from outside. It is really cool.
And we finally made it to the front entrance.
But you're gonna have to come back on Thursday to find out what went down inside.


"Quotesy" said...

What if I don't want to wait until Thursday to find out??

Babione 6 said...

Then I'll tell you everything tomorrow when we have lunch. =)