Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Treasure Chant

The clues to find treasure are in this pirate chant:

"Ye start at Ranchard's Cove and then yer adventure would begin. Then ye sail off to Altast Grove to find a haunted inn.

Then say 'What if skulls and bones do remember tones of the voices they used to own!' Then ghosts will appear. Ye ask for directions, one ghost pulls out a map and points to a spot and says, 'It's here.'

Thanks go 'round and then ye head off away from the ground.

When ye hit shore on an island called Lafloore, ye will climb the tallest palm tree. There ye may find, bigger than a whale's eye, a coconut, well actually three.

Ye take them down, then crack them without a sound and find treasure in them. When ye have gone ye will be richer than King Lafcon."

The End

1 comment:

Debbie Kulbeth said...

Hi! That was fun to read now that I understand I was allowed to read it! What gave you the idea? It was fun to see you at the game. Good poem! Sweet dreams! Debbie :) J and J's Mom!