Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I Like My Sleep

When I was a kid I would ask my mom if I could go take a nap.

When I was in highschool I always tried to get 8hrs of sleep and was sure that if I didn't I would be just completely exhausted the next day.

Also in highschool, on our youth spring break trip to the beach, I was given the "SLOTH" award because of my pension to not only sleep late in the morning, but to take a nap in the afternoon, and go to bed early at night.

So really, it should come as no surprise that the Saturday night each year we get to fall back and gain a whole hour for sleep just thrills me.


I am starting to think that I can honestly say this is my favorite night of the whole year.

And because it is my favorite night of the whole year it would only stand to reason that the fateful night every year when we spring forward has to be my least favorite night of the whole year. I mean, seriously, what are they thinking taking away a whole hour of our sleep?

I know there has been some talk of just doing away completely with the time change. While this would remedy my least favorite night problem, I actually like the marked difference in day light that the time change creates. It just wouldn't feel right to eat Thanksgiving dinner while the sun was still up. Or Christmas dinner.

And it is rather fun to see who makes it to church early or late depending on the change each year. It has occasionally been us.

All this to say, I am so looking forward to my extra hour of sleep this weekend. Hope you are too!


PS. my friend April helped me figure out how to do stirke through typing. Unfortunately, this blogger in draft thing either doesn't have or has hidden spell check and I can't figure out how to add a video. Sorry for misspelled words and not that I was going to post a video on this one, but you know, for future reference any help would be appreciated.


Laughing Momma said...

I totally know about the spell check...but do this...if you are really worried or if you want to add a video. You can always go back and edit a post through origianl blogger. Or if the strike through thing is only occasional...then keep origianl blooger and only usually use draft when you want to strike through something...crazy I know but you can't have it all!!!!

ps...go take a nap....and then play dress up...I want pictures!!!!

Anonymous said...

LOL In your fourth paragraph you said "fall forward", it's actually "fall back"...then "spring forward" in the spring. Just letting you know :)

Yes, I have a slow moment at work lol.

R.C. said...

fall back
spring forward
summer good, summer bad
winter house and met her dad

(I made the last two lines up...could you tell?)

I love you

Anonymous said...

I wish I had read RC's poem ("fall back....") before life group last night & then I would've had something to say about what I had laughed about recently! Rochelle

Tobias Valdez said...

Girl, I'm with you on the napping thing and needing my sleep. Just ask Brenda, she'll tell you!

Oh...R.C. that was pretty cheesy!

Katie said...

I wish I could catch that extra hour, but with an infant in the house that just doesn't get time change yet...I don't think it's gonna happen ;)

Andrea Jane said...

You did love your sleep...and I posted FINALLY! love you!