Thursday, January 24, 2008


Well, Princess and Bear seem to be getting better. Popeye is having a hard time fighting this off. This morning his fever was 103.5 :-( I'm pretty sure it is just the croup and hasn't moved into his lungs, though.

Most nights RC puts the kids to bed. I read them stories then RC takes over. Kinda his special thing with the kids. Well, on Monday nights RC doesn't get home until after 9:00 so it's up to me to put them to bed. Bobo and Bear share a room and Princess and Popeye share a room. I get them in bed and then stand in the doorway and pray. This past Monday night I was in another world and started to leave Popeye's room without praying. As I was turning off the light Popeye says "Mom, you forgot the prayer." I know it's not a big thing but to know that my 4yr. old is aware of what I'm doing and WANTS me to do it is precious!

Popeye ran a high fever all day yesterday. So, last night I decided to lay down with him for a little while to make sure his breathing wasn't labored. After about ten minutes I hear him say "Mom" (very pitiful like) and I say "yes, buddy". He continues, "I'm not scared, God is with me." a.k.a "Please go sleep in your own bed." It's hard to convey how cute this was. I guess you need to know that when our children come to us at night and say they are scared we take them back into their room and pray with them and tell them over and over that God is always with them and they don't need to be scared.

Anywho...those were two of the many cute things he has done lately and I just wanted to share.

1 comment:

Laughing Momma said...

Hey Bridget,
(stop and check for typos)
I hate that your kids have been so sick...yuck!!! So much crud has been going around..we have steered clear so far. Hope they get well and you have a restful weekend.
